Important Dates


There is a huge market potential for mobile applications in Europe today. Most people already carry a mobile device of some sort wherever they go, and an increasingly diverse set of devices (PDAs, smart phones, GPS, etc.) are becoming widely available. Recently, service-orientations (e.g., OSGi, Spring, SCA) have evolved to address these highly dynamic environments. However, it is still technically difficult, using existing method and tool supports, to create such services-oriented applications. For example, the very large range of devices, types of infrastructure, ways in which it can change, situations in which users can find themselves, and the functions they want, introduce great complexity and pose considerable technical challenges. To overcome these difficulties, and promote the development and widespread deployment of innovative mobile applications, more and more projects are addressing the development of context-aware adaptation mechanisms for leveraging the development of mobile applications. These projects aims at providing simple but powerful integrated approaches to support the development of applications interacting in pervasive and ubiquitous environments. Thus, the CAMPUS workshop will focus on the promising approaches in the domain of context-aware adaptation mechanisms supporting the dynamic evolution of the execution context (e.g., network/device/service failures). belem-tower-lisbon-lsbeltw3


2009/06/11: The proceedings have been published by EASST.
: The technical program is available.
2009/05/13: The list of accepted papers is available.
2009/03/19: The submission deadline has been extended.
: The submission website is now open.
2008/12/14: The Call for Papers is available.
2008/12/10: The workshop as been accepted as a DisCoTec workshop.

Workshop organized as a joint initiative of the music-logo and DiVA consortiums. All accepted papers will be published by EASST2-www2.GIF